Friday, March 18, 2011

Why the hate?

From Melissa:

With everything that is happening in the world and right here in America,
there are still miracles happening like the baby being found in Japan. It's supposed to be a time to pull together and help each other and be there for one another. Why
is it that there is still hate going around? What should one do to help change?


  1. Do you mean the hate that's going on in UCLA or do you mean in the world like in Libya? I think that people are naturally hateful towards certain things because maybe their own life isn't going along as that would like it to. And in order for them to feel better about themselves they have to look down upon something else to keep their self-esteem up. the news on TV has bad news all the time, often overshadowing the good news. There isn't much we can do about people and their own opinions. People are stubborn and it doesn't bother me that much about the hate in the world because it has always been there. One thing that does bother me is how the world only comes together to help one another during or after a natural disaster. That or the Olympics...

  2. We are all from other countries and have different cultures and all that but what people should know is that we're all humans and we should treat each other how we would want to be treated.

  3. There will always be hate no matter how little or how much. Difference in views and what not will just breed it, not many people go out and just understand each other. But personally one thing we could do is be more accepting of everyone else and how they see the world no matter how different it is from us.

  4. I think that it is sad to hear so many people bad mouthing the Japanese after the horrible events of the tsunami and earthquake. I was watching some video footage on YouTube of the tsunami and I scrolled down to the comments only to find a whole bunch of racist Americans saying that Japan deserved what they got because of what they did to the U.S at Pearl Harbor. Those people make me feel absolutely ashamed to be American. People need to realize that Japan made a mistake and shouldn't be punished for their ancestors mistakes. I understand that many people lost the lives of family members and loved ones during Pearl Harbor, but think about how many lives were taken during the nuclear bomb attacks the United States staged against Japan.

  5. Of course it's a time to pull together and help our fellow human beings. It's so difficult to watch the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami. No matter what, there is always going to be hatred. It's sad to see, but hate is always going to exist no matter what circumstances.
