Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another Response to Asians in UCLA library

Mr. Mendoza briefly talked about Timothy DeLaGhetto's response to Alexandra Wallace's rant on Asian Americans in UCLA's library in class, and being a fan of TimothyDeLaGhetto I had to watch his video. I strongly agree with this video and all of the ideas that TimothyDeLaGhetto had in which to handle situations like these.


  1. I also agree alot with this guy and how he says that people arent racist theyre just stupid or theyre ignorant or they just dont know. Its a problem that alot of people have that they are just under informed about so much that it affects judgment and actions and it usually ends up all bad

  2. This is just as tough to watch as the original UCLA rant video.

  3. I thought he had some intereting points like asian people are not seen as often on television or in the media and that is partially why some people misunderstand Asians (those who are first generation and those who are Asian Americans)I thought it was rude that he called her names, I believe it was unnecessary because he is a youtube star and a lot of people watch his videos.

  4. I thought this video was funny and I agree with some of his points, but I don't think it helped his cause when he called her a bitch. The whole reason people got offended by original rant was because they felt like Asians were being singled out. What difference does it make when you do it back? Two wrongs don't make a right.

  5. Of course Tim is funny and jokes around on some parts but he actually does make sense on some of the things he's talking about. one thing that he mentions is that she is just "stupid" and she doesn't know what shes talking about. But all in all Tim does a good job.

  6. This video is great and what he say is true, reeducating a person is better than straight hating a person. people can change when they see the difference.

  7. After watching this video I have to say that i agree with all of what he says about how she's not racist but rather ignorant. But I think with her ignorance she will eventually "become" racist. This one occurrence in addition to any other "negative" events involving Asian people probably will make her racist towards Asians. Now she probably sees Asians as the reason why she had to drop out of school. I don't think she's learned her lesson and can truthfully say that she was wrong about Asians. Instead she's only able to say that she was wrong to rant about Asians publicly.

  8. I feel as though he addressed it in a more comedic fashion. I have never heard of this YouTube "star" but it's interesting to see another response video. It was funny and I did not mind watching this. I found it mildly entertaining and now I know who this person is. Subscribed!
