Friday, March 18, 2011

Giving Aid

The natural disaster in Japan and any others in the past have been devastating. But from these disasters there have always been those ready to give aid. But is this aid really in the goodness of their hearts? Are they genuinely concerned about those affected, or are they simply trying to put on their "charity mask" in order to hide their true intent. Some that offer aid could be simply trying to make it look like they are the good guys trying to help those in need when in reality they are just trying to earn an "I Owe You" ticket. Or could they possibly be trying ensure their international assets like import/exports, foreign oil, or anything else they may rely on?


  1. whether it is from people's hearts or is used as a means of promoting themselves, donation ultimately helps people in need. In my opinion, giving aid is not an easy thing to do. Even if it can be used as a means of promotion, not a lot of people, even celebrities, would like to give others chunks of money they have earned

  2. That also correspond to another pervious question in the Blog, the Japanese people/gov, is "refusing" to recevie aid because of various reasons. I believe the country is strong enought to take care the whole thing, thus they did not want aids until they really need it, also the politics game is hard, there are always people using differents tastic to get benefit or"owe" them later in the future, thus, the JApanese gov has to think more before they agress on getting the aids.

  3. I think it's really coming from the heart because it's their people that was affected by the tsunami. It would go for every country, even if you didn't know the people that was affected by some major damage that happened to your country, it's still your people. I don't know about the charity mask thing but we all have something in common. We're all humans and if we see people suffering and dying, we would stand up and help them out.

  4. I think that it is people truly trying to help. Even if they were giving aid because they were sympathizing those people it's still help. I don't feel like it matters.

  5. I believe regardless of intent anything and everything helps the ones effected most by the natural disaster in their time of need. Yes it maybe a companies way of sing i helped you out now you owe me somethong in the future but wouldnt we want to do that with another country in caae we were in a natural disaater and needed help??

  6. I think giving aid of any form is a sign that people have good intentions. Whether they want something in return for their help is particularly selfish in my opinion.

  7. People want to help, and it is from our own heart that we give to those who are suffering. I donated money because I enjoy helping others and seeing as I am fortunate to have what is in my possession. This reminds me that out there, there are people who have nothing, and this disaster has brought people to that level. I want to share with others because it's not fair for them to have nothing and for me to have the money to live comfortably.
