Monday, March 7, 2011

Dong Hwan Ku

From Ana:

What seems to be the issue for Asian Americans that American dream is
unattainable as per the life story of Dong Ku here in united states.


  1. I think everyone's issue is different but the language barrier that Dong Ku had is a very issue that many people have. In their own country they can express themselves and act and be treated equally. But here in the U.S. not being able to express yourself and not being able to defend yourself can be crucial here in America.

  2. He has a very good vision of the life in America, however it didnt happen, at first he is lack of skills and education of English. Thus he was having a hard time to attain a good life in America. Also, as being the minority group in Texas, or even he moved to Cali and NY, the situation was still harsh, he could only work at little business, because its better than working for a wage lower than minimum wage in a company. Asian workers were being to unequally treated, and work discrimination was serious, they had to work very ahrd in order to earn a living and sometimes its only enough to just support the famliy.

  3. I agree with the language barrier problem he had; in my opinion, language is the most important factor when you go to other countries. When you are able to communicate fluently, I believe, you are confident in understanding the culture and making friends

  4. Language is important to attain the American Dream. In America, the language is English. I totally agree with Terry because we build confidence when we know how to do things. if we cannot speak the dominate language then we may feel inferior to those who can. It' hard for asians to be seen and treated equally because they were discriminated.

  5. Mostly, the language must be known so then people can be able to attain the American Dream. If you can't speak English then it's impossible to attain that dream. It is the most important step to the American Dream.

  6. I think everyone is different. For some people, they may not sucess because of many resoan like language, education. However, another people may sucess in their area in american. they may work in asian area, so they dont need to speak english.
