Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Latehomecomer 1/15/11

Before crossing the Mekong River, the author's mother buried her pictures of her brothers' and promised to come back for them. Did she have a chance to do that? to get back all her memoirs of her brothers?


  1. No one can ever tell if she has a chance to come back for her pictures except the author's mother. However, I think the memories about the mother's brothers always stay in her mind no matter what.

  2. The book did not really mention if she did or not but it did mention that the mother had implanted the pictures in her head to the point where she can remember them really well.

  3. From what we know, she didn't get a chance to go. However, it is possible that she could have gone after the book was published.

  4. Physically she was not able to go back and recollect her pictures of her family. However I think she always had the memories of them engraved in her heart. She left the pictures behind but the memories of her family never left her heart.

  5. Yes for the intangible memories of her brothers. From reading Yang's story we see how powerful the human mind is -especially at remembering and comprehending things. But the chances of her getting her photos back were quite small. However, we know that from reading the whole book. At that time, Yang's mother didnt' know if they would return to Laos, when the war would really be over, or anything of the future. I think by doing that she was giving herself hope, and hope, espicially in a time of war, uncertainty, and turmoil is one of the most precious and valuable things.

  6. I don't think she had a chance to get back the pictures of her brothers, but i think that she can still remember them very clearly.

  7. I don't think anyone can ever know besides the mother and yang probably. She didn't go much into detail about that but even though she didn't she would always have the memories of her brothers.

  8. She didn't have a chance to get back the picture of her brothers, but she goes back (not physically) everytime she remembers them.

  9. I don't think she was able to get it back. Even today, I doubt that she was able to get the photo back. It's been so long and I don't think she will remember where she even buried the pictures, even if she did the photo is probably damaged or faded away. But the point is that it's not important whether she has the picture of not because I think we all know that memories of her family and brothers were already with her.

  10. I dont think she got a chance to get those memories back. I guess she didnt realize at the time that it will be almost impossible to get them back when she was leaving.

  11. I don't think she got the chance to go back and get the pictures but she remembers what the pictures are like clearly. Even if she was going to try to get it back, she probably can't.
