Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"The Gift"

From Ana: In the poem "The Gift" there is a line that reads "the flames of discipline." What kind of discipline does a father implement?

From Vicky: "The Gift" is based on the past, a memory of the speaker's father. Why did the poet include a present moment when the poem is based on the past?

From Margarita: The last three lines of the poem reads the following:
"I did what a child does
when he's given something to keep.
I kissed my father."
What do you think the author implies he is receiving, as a gift so to speak,
from his father?

From Kelly Tanimura:
What makes a gift special?; Is it the cost, the person who gave it to you; does
it even have to be tanigible?; What's the most precious or special intagible
gift someone has given you.


  1. For Vicky:
    The present moment is to show readers the importance of the gift Lee inherited from his father. As he is performing the same tenderness to his wife as his father performed on him shows that the gift has stayed with him and is more important to him than ever now that he is using it on someone very dear to him.

  2. A father implements the idea of being the man of the house. Owning up to one's decisions and choices.

    It shows the importance of the past and how it had an effect on his future.

  3. I love what Jeremy said! I love that the dad didn't mind being gentle with his son. I work with kids and a lot of times when a dad comes to pick up a child and if they are crying they just stand and look at them and say "Why are you crying? No more crying."

    I think that the author included the present anecdote to show how influential his father was and how he carried his traits, lessons, and gifts into his present life and implements them.

  4. What i dont understand is why it almost seems to jump backand forth between people and the subject of who is doing what.. How many people are in the story and what does the sliver represent

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. To me, a gift is special when it is coming from someone you love, knowing that they thought about you; specifically you. The most precious gift someone has ever given me were from my parents, and it is trust. I understand that they care for me and worry about me, but trusting that i am old enough and capable of making the right decisions.

  7. kelly's question: I believe what makes a gift special is the thought behind it. To me if i received a present from my boyfriend and he just got it because he forgot something important and he really didn't care and just wanted me to forget about it (basically shut me up), i would take it and most likely throw it in his face even if it was diamonds or whatever. whereas if he just wanted to give me a card saying how much he misses me or something that would be special :). i might be the corniest person out there but i think the best gift i ever got is my mom. i can always depend on her no matter when or where. she's always there when i need her and she's never let me down.

  8. To me a gift is special when the person giving it puts some thought into it. It doesn't matter how much it cost. it could be something very simple so i can remember them just by looking at it.

  9. Ana: I think when he said "The Flames of Discipline" he means an unforgetable lesson to be disciplined.

  10. For Margarita's question:
    I think that the gift was the lesson passed down from the father to the son through the father's actions. It was an example of how to be a man of good character. It was the father loving his son and being campassionate towards him and loving him.

  11. What makes a gift special is the meaning of that gift and the person who gives it to you. It doesn't matter how expensive or fancy the gift is, the most important thing is the real meaning of that gift and the feelings that the person has for you.

  12. a gift that comes from own idea and effort, Like what my husband did, he sketch a portrait of me even though he is not that good in drawing he made me a portrait with his own version to express that i am his inspiration the love of his life.

  13. To me the most precious people are my parents and the most precious gift they have ever given me is by bringing me into this world. I'm thankful when I think of the hardships and the pain they have to go through in order to keep me healthy and alive, considering that we lived in poverty. Not only that they always worked hard to give me the best.
