Friday, February 4, 2011

Angel Island Poems

From Kelly Tanimura:

In what ways to the detainees view life differently than today's generations?
(Even if they are descendants of the the detainees.)

It is important for our country to rmember our history and wrong-doings so that
we do not make the same mistakes. In #31 the author said "I must remember that
this chapter once existed". Why is it important for him to remember? Why
wouldn't he want to forget the trauma of being detained?

In #58 the author said, "Life is worth worrying about and you should restrain
yourselves". How does this differ from today's school of thought that claims
things like, "don't worry, be happy", "live life to the fullest", and "Life's

From Linda Lam:

What kind of emotional state do you think the detainees were in
while carving on the walls? What do you think motivated the first
person to write on the wall?


  1. Although for some detainees they were traumatized by their experience while they were detained but the most important thing they become immigrants of this country and their descendants are the beneficiary. The reason why they come to this country is for better life not for themselves but for their family as well especially for those who experience to be detained in Angel Island majority of them were successful in business, professions and career mentioned by Judy Yung on her talks.

    Yes it is really important for our country to remember history serve as reference, guide and pattern as well us learning experience for us to be more aware and knowledgeable.

    Life is too short, live it to the fullest everything that happens we should always consider we've got one life to live on but make it exciting,inspiring and worth.

  2. They are much more appreciative of life. Since they were stuck somewhere not knowing what would happen to them, when they became free they appreciate it more.

    I feel that it is important to remember, because you then know what you've been through. If you reach a roadblock in life, you can look back and say "I can make it through this. I've been through much worse."

    I feel it has changed due to not having to struggle for food or to survive. Now we are less worried about surviving, thus being able to "not worry"

  3. They view life very sad and hopeless, as for the Chinese episcally, they were the main gropu who locked in the Angel island, they had a very bad memory even it was the very beginig of their journay as immigrant to America, who ever their descendant are American born, they never understand what was the feelings of their parensts' journey. The parents live their lives in US very ahrd and have a high expectation of them, since they understand Asian as beign a minority in the nation should have to work themselves really hard to live up and earn a living. Also , after the first generation, people are more likely to assimulated and blended in to the Americans culture.

    Again, we are minority, we do not have that strong power in the nation, in order to survive is to become successful, ther are still many injustive and discrimination towatrd asian in america, thus its tough to live in US, since the beinging they arrived here.
    Inaddition, I think, the land of liberty is false, where is the freedom for asian? Many immigrants questioned that, they know, that was not true...

  4. They were so much more grateful of life. Most of the detainee's leave their friends and family just to come to America so they can find a job so that they can support the people they left. majority of people that come from immigrant families take our lives for granted. People like me tend to forget what our parents and/or grandparents had to go through just so we can live they way we do now.

    He has to remember so that when he has kids and his kids have kids, they need to be reminded of why they have to get an education and to work hard. That he didn't go through all of this for nothing.

  5. Kids today don't have to worry about anything cause their parents did all the work for them already. They can just go out and "live life to the fullest" and party all day cause "life is short". They don't have to worry about supporting their families or trying survive. they don't have to worry about immigrating to another country to try to escape a war cause it's all been done for them.

  6. I agree with Minh. If you were born back in the days it was a lot harder than today. If you really think about it, we got it a lot easier than our parents. We could say live life to the fullest, life is too short, and don't worry be happy is because we could actually do that because if you compare our lives to our families lives back in the day, we got a whole lot easier life so we can actually say those things

  7. I think the people who wrote on the walls were homesick. They were in a new country, locked up in small areas, not allowed to leave. They carved on the walls to explain their pain. They needed a way to get their feelings out, even if it meant writing about home or their current state. I think that many wrote on the walls for a personal reason, they did not expect people to read these later

  8. Today's generation have way different problems than past generations. Some of them don't really know what their family had been through, so they just have an easier life. It is important to them to remember them and to know all the things that they went through to honor them.

  9. I think they carved on the walls because they were no where else to describe their pain, agony, anger, etc. They wanted to tell someone or somehow let the feeling they had out. It may have been a way to protest or fight back against the treatment they were receiving. Maybe some thought that someone will get their message someday and maybe some just continued to carve to express themselves.

  10. The detainees must have had mixed emotions. They were probably filled with anger, frustration, grief, sorrow, and full of regrets. Regrets because they worked so hard back in their home country, left so much behind them in order to save up money and go to the "land of freedom and promise" but what they got here was the opposite.
